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Abby Lee - Girl with the one track mind
Edward de Bono - Six thinking hats
Stephen Levine - A year to live
Div - Rosa prosa(om jenter og kåthet)
Live Bressendorf Lindseth - Sats på førsteintrykket
Ingebrigt Steen Jensen - Ona fyr
Grieg Behrendt - He`s just not that into you
Alan and Barbra Pease - Hvorfor mennn bare kan gjøre en ting av gangen og kvinner snakker i ett kjør
Paul Arden - It`s not how good you are, it`s how good you want to be
Pirie Madsen - How to win every argument
Rhonda Bryne - The secret
Kathryn Harrison - The kiss
Joyce Carol Oates - Rape: a lovestory
Ellen Fein - The complete book of rules (how to capture mr right)
Marshall Rosenberg - Nonviolent Communication
Eckhart Tolle - A new earth
Aaron Sleazy - Sleazy stories
Sweeny - Condom sense
Kurt Mortensen - Maximum Influence
Georg Stalk - Hardball i næringslivet
Div - Mindgym: relationships
Kevin Logan - The secret language of business
Tony Robbins - Unlimited power
Tony Robbins - Awaken the giant within
Rachel Maines - The technology of orgasm
Daniel Pink - A whole new mind
Stephen Covey - The 7 habbits of highly effective people
Dag Bredal - Min omstilling
Linda Johansen - For alles øyne
Jan Ruhne - Go diamond!
Richard Dawkins - The blind watchmaker
Richard Dawkins - The extended phenotype
Dale Carnegie - The quick and easy way for effective speaking
Dale Carnegie - How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public speaking
Dale Carnegie - How to stop worrying and start living
Nancy Friday - My secret garden
Kluun - Kvinner går til legen, menn går på by`n
Norah Vincent - Selfmade man
Malcolm Gladwell - The tipping point
Malcolm Gladwell - What the dog saw
Niel Fiske - Trading up
Frank Acuff - How to negotiate anything with anyone anywhere around the world
Timothy Butler - Getting unstuck
Chris Anderson - Free
Pierre Bourdieu - Ungkarsballet
Paul McKenna - Instant confidence
Paul McKenna - I can make you rich
Paul McKenna - Change your life in 7 days Paul McKenna
Div - Dear Playboy Advisor: Questions from Men and Women to the Advice Column of Playboy Magazine